Animal Park Heroes

Taal: nld
Categorie: Natuur

Animal Park Heroes Ben Fogle and Kate Humble are back at Longleat Safari Park for a very special episode celebrating the life of Nico, the legendary western-lowland silverback gorilla, who died at the age of 56. We hear from the keepers who looked after him every day at the park and discover the public outpouring of sympathy following his death. The fascinating story of his life before he moved to Gorilla Island is revealed, and Kate and the keepers reflect on the global shift in conservation during in his lifetime. But as the circle of life continues in the park, the keepers prepare for a new arrival. After months of searching for the perfect specimen, Norman, the new eland bull, is inbound. But will he be able to unite the herd and bring a new generation of eland to the park? These antelope are one of Africa's largest, and Norman has got big shoes to fill. At just a quarter of the size of his predecessor, the jury is out as to whether he is up to the job.

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